1·However, in China the commodity housing market has been transformed from seller market into buyer market. Meanwhile the supply quantity is obviously surplus.
2·Liuxi river is one of the important city's water resources. The supply quantity of water plants along the river is about 70% of the total amount in Guangzhou city.
3·The distribution of wall temperature is greatly influenced by the fuel supply quantity and the Mach number of main stream, but little influenced by the temperature of main stream.
4·Conclusion: the examination of rheoencephalogram can reflect the blood-supply quantity of cerebral vessel and functional change, so it has a great applicative value in animal experiment of giddy.
5·To achieve quality rather than quantity, however, funding must be in safe supply.
6·Rather than entrust the money supply to a guru or a professor, money is limited by the quantity of bullion.
7·The total stock, or "supply," or quantity of money in any area or society at any given time is simply the sum total of all the ounces of gold, or units of money, in that particular society or region.
8·Limiting the supply of your service, or the quantity of yourproduct, or being aggressive in who you sell to (and who you don't) areall time-tested ways to build a killer brand.
9·3 (Exercise) If both demand and supply have constant elasticity, compute the monopoly quantity and price.
10·Rather than entrust the money supply to a guru or a professor, money is limited by the quantity of bullion. The law in the early 20th century stipulated that dollars be backed 40 percent in gold.